Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

70,000 employees have lost their jobs in the solar industry in recent years

In 2012, the annual expansion in PV was still a good 7 GW; in 2016, it will reach just 1 GW. The expansion of PV in Germany has been falling for years and is now far below the government's expansion targets, which are already far too low.
In an article from 21 November 2016, Hans-Josef Fell provides an up-to-date assessment of current energy policy in Germany: www.hans-josef-fell.de/...pv-ausbau-sinkt-weiter-doch-staatssekretaer-baake-feiert-die-letzten-eeg-novellen-sogar-noch-als-erfolg

Keywords: DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, Environmental policy