Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

New publication: best of DETAIL "Urban Living

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Neighbourhoods with old buildings have a reputation for lively urbanity and are therefore extremely popular with residents. But new buildings can also develop this charm, as the large number of successful projects in this volume of the best of DETAIL series shows. Ultimately, it is a question of the mix of residential and commercial uses, of open spaces and offers for older and younger residents of different nationalities and different social structures: even in times of an increasingly digitally networked society, urbanity is expressed not least through diversity. In addition to surprising theses on high-density living, this publication presents refreshingly inviting project examples from all over the world that whet the appetite for life in the city.

* Minimise, optimise, densify: Making living economical
* Co-operatives: Housing of the future?
* Spatial concepts for the digital society
* Create qualities through flexible diversity

May 2017
200 pages with numerous illustrations
Format 21 x 29.7 cm
bilingual edition (German/English)
Softcover (Flexcover)
ISBN: 978-3-95553-359-5


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Best of DETAIL Urban Living / Urban Housing

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Best of DETAIL Urban Living / Urban Housing

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Keywords: New books and studies, Quarters, Settlements