Event by IBA Hamburg / Arch +
Min. 14
Keywords: Movies, Movies 11 to 45 Min, Wood construction, IBA, News Blog Berlin, Quarters
Event by IBA Hamburg / Arch +
Min. 14
6 min. Published on 20.5.2020
The short video gives a first insight into the DGNB system for districts in the 2020 version. Which criteria are relevant? Which types of neighbourhoods can be certified according to DGNB?
DGNB, Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, Quarters
To mark the 10th anniversary in 2008, a 35-minute film was made about the GWL-Terrein showcase project in Amsterdam-Westerpark (language: Dutch with English subtitles):
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The electricity for the electric car can come from the socket - or from the fuel cell. On the road, however, this technology is an absolute rarity. A car rental company in Munich now wants to change that.
View the full article:
Fuel cell, Renewable, News Blog Bavaria
For the mayors of German cities, climate protection and mobility remain the most important topics despite the pandemic. The OB-Barometer 2021 of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) shows a clear trend change in the topic of inner city development, which is gaining strongly in importance.
Berlin. This year's Mayor Barometer of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) is dominated by the corona pandemic. It is therefore not surprising that, when asked about the most important topics for cities at the moment, the city leaders most frequently named coping with the crisis and its consequences, at 69 percent. The topics of "climate, energy, sustainability" recorded a renewed increase in importance with 45 percent. If one disregards the special situation of Corona, "climate" is currently even in first place. This policy area already showed a strong increase in importance in 2020, and in 2021 the city leaders rated it as even more important than in January/February 2020. But when asked about the most important topics for the future, 53 percent of the mayors named "climate, energy, sustainability" ahead of mobility (50 percent) and digitalization (37 percent).
The fact that climate protection and mobility are considered so important at the moment and with a view to the future underlines the great importance that city leaders attach to environmental issues. "The exciting question of whether Corona will push the issue of climate protection into the background or raise additional awareness seems to have been decided in German cities. The mayors want to develop their city into the future in a climate-friendly way and with adapted mobility," comments Difu Institute Director Prof. Dr. Carsten Kühl on the results of the current Mayor Barometer 2021.
The OB-Barometer 2021 reveals a clear trend change in the topic of "inner city development". Here, the city leaders see a strong increase in importance both now and in the future: The topic has gained attention in recent years due to the increasing online trade. The Corona pandemic has massively intensified this trend: more and more shops are closing, more offices remain empty since many people work from home offices, and the cultural scene has also had to move into the digital space - many city centres are losing their quality of stay. The inner cities are facing a huge upheaval, which poses great challenges for the municipalities. Helmut Dedy, Chief Executive of the German Association of Cities, says: "We need more diversity, beyond retail. That's why the cities are working on new concepts for city centres and district centres: we want more space for encounters, greenery, culture, sport, crafts and housing. For this to succeed, we need a federal city centre funding programme."
Procurement, DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, Communities, Mobility, City