Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

New development area Freiburg-Rieselfeld

79111 Freiburg-Rieselfeld: District development for 10,000 people. Completion: 2010

Building type Construction of an urban district with high density (GFZ > 1.0) predominant share of multi-storey housing and multi-family housing with max. 5 storeys. Diverse building forms based on small parcelling and different building typologies to reach different target groups (from semi-detached houses to 5-storey perimeter block development).
New construction, renovation New building
Form of ownership Condominiums and co-housing
Size (WE) Approx. 4,500. Population approx. 10,000 to 12,000
Interesting individual projects
in the building area
Group building project "Blue House
Building group Stadt & Frau Rieselfeld
Board stack concrete composite show house
Completion 1993 to 2010.
The essential urban development policy specifications for the urban development concept have been in implementation since 1994. Flexible urban development with the possibility of reacting to current developments through modifications (4 partial development plans were drawn up, each with a two-year interval - principle of learning planning).

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Photo gallery 2005

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Sustainability measures
Waste/water Rainwater utilisation concept: Collecting surface water separately and returning it completely to the western Rieselfeld after biological treatment.
Floor The minimisation of sealing in public and private areas as well as the removal of contaminated soil material over a wide area.
Energy The energy concept is characterised by the orientation and spacing of the buildings, the mandatory requirement for low-energy construction with a verifiable energy consumption value of 65 kWh/m² per year; "communication instead of sanction" has an effect far beyond Rieselfeld - the compulsory connection to and use of the district heating supply from the Weingarten combined heat and power plant as well as the use of regenerative energies such as solar energy, wood pellet heating and heat pumps.
Traffic Future-oriented transport systems with priority given to light rail, pedestrian and cycle traffic and 30 km/h speed limit throughout the area.
Open Space Design In the future, this great open space will be secured through maintenance measures. A designated nature discovery trail will enable visitors to explore "their" nature reserve. The ecological concept is rounded off by a small-scale green concept with the common inner block areas and a series of high-quality green spaces that divide the city.
High quality private and public green spaces, recreational quality.
Economics Public investment: approx. 270 billion DM
Private investment: approx. 2.5 bn. DM
Good marketing strategy
Social / Culture The high level of identification of the new citizenry and the resulting positive image. Well-integrated public and private infrastructures right from the start. Creation of balanced structures and forms of housing, e.g. by mixing privately financed and subsidised housing, owner-occupied and rented housing, initiation of model projects. Special attention to the needs of women, families, elderly and disabled people. Overcoming the separation of working and living by designating mixed and commercial building areas (target: 1,000 jobs).
Contact Rieselfeld Project Group, Fehrenbachallee 12, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Projektgemeinschaft Rieselfeld, c/o Architektengemeinschaft B.E.M.S. (winner of the Rieselfeld urban development competition) Freiburg
Sources City of Freiburg (ed.) 2002: Wo Freiburg weiter wächst - Dokumentation zum Projektstand. Freiburg
Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (1999):Schadstoffminderung im Städtebau. Bonn
Klaus Humpert (1997): Introduction to urban planning. Stuttgart
Klaus Humpert (1997): Urban expansion: Freiburg Rieselfeld. Stuttgart
Konrad Maier (ed.) 1995: Der Beitrag der Sozialarbeit zum Aufbau neuer Stadtteile. Freiburg
Links www.rieselfeld.freiburg.de
Project description
  (pdf 450 kB)
Text 05/2005 Text: Jing Yu Geng

Last Updated: December 25, 2020

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