Charakteristik: Rental apartments
99425 Weimar: In the cooperative "Wohnprojekt Ro70 eG" committed people have come together to transform a former hospital in Weimar into Thuringia's largest intergenerational housing project to transform. As of 2020, nearly 130 adults and 70 children live here together in a vibrant neighborhood. Completion: 2020
85057 Ingolstadt: 132 WE + 2 community houses as prefabricated 3-storey timber frame construction. 795 €/m2 (<=> 1,590.70 DM/sqm WF; 159,714.29 DM/WE). Developed as part of the "Siedlungsmodelle Bayern" programme. It is the first "real" timber housing estate with over 100 residential units, at least in Europe. Architecture: Sampo Widmann project consortium with Prof Hermann Schröder. Property developer: Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft Ingolstadt. Completion: 1994
12524 Berlin: Bruno Taut's "Tuschkastensiedlung". 128 flats in 48 storey flats in six apartment blocks and 80 detached houses in rows or as semi-detached houses with 1 to 5 rooms; gross floor area: 14,051 m². Renovation / refurbishment / extension: 1992 to 2002; extension since 2001 and new construction of apartment blocks and terraced houses since 2011. Construction: 1913 to 1916
CH - 8005 Zurich: 100 apartments in 4 buildings with a total floor space of 11866 m². Infrastructure in the neighbourhood: restaurant, hairdresser, flower and fruit shop, a consumer depot with organic vegetables (opening hours in the off-peak hours), the "Pantoffelbar" with drinks around the clock, a guest room and a large common room with kitchen on the roof. The "Hardturm Settlement" as it is called by the "Kraftwerk 1" building and housing cooperative, which according to common definition would be called a quarter due to the building density and the mix of uses, is located in the Zurich West district. Completion: Completion: 2001
NL - 1087 Amsterdam: Haveneiland is the eastern and western part of the newest neighbourhood "IJburg" in the east of Amsterdam. It was created as part of the Dutch housing development programme "VINEX "*. Like "Steigereiland" and "Rieteilanden", "Haveneiland" was built on an artificially raised island. Completion: ~2018
23552 Lübeck: At the time, the Aegidienhof was the largest social housing project in Schleswig-Holstein. Here, young and old, people without and with disabilities, single people and families, live and work together in a new urban mix. The architectural firm Meyer Steffens Architekten+Stadtplaner BDA carefully renovated and converted twelve different old town houses around a large common courtyard in the complex around the Aegidienhof, which is significant in terms of architectural and cultural history. The result is 65 apartments as well as 9 studios, practices, offices, workshops and a café. Completion (modernization): 2003
AT - 1030 Vienna: it is the first house built according to the ideas and designs of the painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The house contains 50 apartments, four business premises and a doctor's practice. About 250 trees and bushes were planted on the 16 private and three communal roof terraces and on the roofs. Completion: 1986
53113 Bonn: Together with Weststadt, Bonn's Südstadt district is considered the largest contiguous (and preserved) Wilhelminian-style neighbourhood in Germany. Bonn-Bad Godesberg also has a large contiguous Gründerzeit neighbourhood. These neighbourhoods are considered the urban development prototype of the "city of short distances" due to the mix of uses. In addition, the building density helps to create affordable living space and the reutilisation-friendly floor plans mean that the buildings can often be used for well over 100 years. Completion: 1914
D - 13405 Berlin-Tegel: A climate-neutral urban quarter in timber construction with more than 5,000 apartments is to be built. This will make it the largest timber construction quarter in the world. In addition to the apartments, several schools, daycare centers, sports facilities, shopping opportunities and lots of greenery are also planned for the development area with 46 ha geplant. Eine starke Durchgrünung sorgt für eine klimaangepasste und wassersensible Stadtentwicklung und wirkt auch über das Quartier hinaus. Start Hochbau: voraussichtlich 2026. Geplante Fertigstellung: Mitte der 2030er Jahre
Newly built districts with space-efficient mobility offers
NL - 3526 KM Utrecht: On the west side of the Merwedekanal, a new sustainable urban district is being built in a central location not far from Utrecht's main railway station. The plan is to create a mixed-use district with 6,000 flats for approximately 12,000 residents. The area is to become a showcase for healthy and sustainable living with innovative concepts for recycling, energy production, climate adaptation and mobility solutions. Planned completion: by 202486152 Augsburg: For 500 years, the residents of Augsburg's Fuggerei have been paying as much cold rent as their previous tenants: 88 cents, which is equivalent to one guilder. In addition, they pay about 85 euros per month for utilities such as electricity, water and heating. The Fuggerei is considered the oldest social housing estate in the world. Completion: 1521
CH - Winterthur: Das Mehrgenerationenhaus Giesserei liegt in Oberwinterthur, im Stadtzentrum Neuhegi unmittelbar am Eulachpark. Es verfügt über 155 Wohnungen und 14 Gewerbebetriebe. Die Gebäude sind in ökologischer Holzbauweise erstellt und erfüllen den Minergie-P-Eco-Standard. Die Giesserei gilt mit nur 0,2 Parkplätzen pro Wohnung und 480 Veloständern als autofreie Siedlung. Grundstücksfläche: 11 000 m². Fertigstellung: 2013
12487 Berlin: HOWOGE is building 314 apartments, a large daycare facility for children and a neighbourhood garage on a 2.6-hectare site on Straße am Flugplatz. 156 apartments will be rented out as subsidized housing in accordance with the cooperation agreement with the state of Berlin; the remaining units will cost less than 10 euros per square meter on average. After completion, 50 percent of the apartments will be subject to occupancy restrictions, costing 6.50 euros per square meter cold, and will be sold to prospective tenants with a certificate of entitlement to housing. Planned completion (as of 12/2020): Spring 2021
60326 Frankfurt: Mainova has built a photovoltaic (PV) plant with a total output of around 1,500 kilowatts peak (kWp) in Frankfurt's Friedrich Ebert housing estate. This means that Germany's largest housing estate photovoltaic plant will be fully connected to the grid at the beginning of 2019. The locally generated, climate-friendly solar power from their own roofs can be used directly by the tenants on site.
51063 Cologne-Mülheim: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has named the Stegerwaldsiedlung in the Cologne district of Mülheim as the 87th climate protection estate. With 968 kWp, it has the largest roof-integrated PV system on a housing estate in NRW and the third largest in Germany. 689 residential units of the Cologne housing estate from the 1950s were refurbished for energy efficiency and the energy generation systems were renewed. Completion: 2019
76149 Karlsruhe: Conversion of the former U.S. housing estate. 526 units of the total of 1,651 units of this existing housing estate were built as storeys in timber frame construction in the low-energy standard. The additional storeys in timber construction alone are the largest coherent timber housing estate in Europe in the last 40 years. Completion: 2000
22844 Norderstedt: 36 terraced houses in low-energy construction, all roofs are completely greened, combined heat and power plant. Completion: ~2002
22844 Norderstedt16 flats as a demonstration project for PVC-free construction in social housing. Completion: ~2002
23569 Lübeck-Kücknitz: 36 social housing units in 3 buildings in low-energy and timber construction with a total living space of 2,213 m². Pilot project as part of the "Resource-saving construction" programme funded by the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The main premise in the implementation of this pilot project was the synthesis of healthy living, energy and cost-saving construction with child and family-friendly floor plans. Completion: 1998
30629 Hanover-Miesburg: "Regenbogensiedlung", 111 council flats, GFZ 0.88. 9,000 m² living space. Occupancy 1996. 900 euros/m². Architect: Schmitz, Aachen, property developer Gundlach, Philipp Holzmann AG - CHP, low-energy construction, extensive green roof - pergola development
50733 Cologne-Nippes: "Autofreie Siedlung". 460 Wohnungen für ca. 1.500 Bewohner. Der Stellplatzschlüssel liegt bei 0,2 Pkw je Wohneinheit. Für die Haushalte der Siedlung und für ca. 40 Besucher wurde am Siedlungsrand ein Parkhaus mit 120 Stellplätzen gebaut. Normalerweise wären an dem Standort ca. 400 bis 500 Stellplätze erforderlich gewesen. Fertigstellung: 2013
53117 Bonn-Auerberg: 40 Miet-Einfamilienhäuser organisiert in zwei Hofanlagen. Massivbau mit Fassaden in Holzkonstruktion, Decke über Erdgeschoss in Holzkonstruktion. Aus ökologischen Gründen sowie zur längeren Haltbarkeit des Dachaufbaus wurde das 'Warmdach' (das sogenannte 'unbelüftete Dach') extensiv begrünt. Fertigstellung: 2003
61381 Friedrichsdorf: 70,000 m² of gross building land not far from Frankfurt were developed into a residential quarter. The winner of a multi-stage selection process by the city of Friedrichsdorf, which was accompanied by NH ProjektStadt, was the FRANK Group, which developed the eco-settlement together with the Baufrösche architecture firm. Completion: 2021
64289 Darmstadt: Forest spiral, design by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Model project for the use of recycled concrete.
"Green roofs are the roof coverings of the future. [...] It's hard to imagine that there was once a time when roofs were dead - without life and without vegetation."
Friedensreich Hundertwasser in: Stifter, Roland (1988): Roof gardens: green islands in the city. Stuttgart
D - 69124 Heidelberg: Under the motto Knowledge creates the city the IBA Heidelberg will take place from 2012 to 2022. One of the key projects of the IBA and its largest urban development project of international significance is the Patrick Henry Village (PHV) where once 8,000 Americans lived. An urban development vision is currently being developed for the conversion project, which covers an area of 92.7 ha, under the leadership of urban planner Kees Christiaanse (KCAP) from Zurich. The preliminary city-wide plans envisage apartments for around 10,000 residents (approx. 4,200 residential units), as well as buildings with space for approx. 5,000 workplaces. Completion: ~2030
72072 Tübingen: District development in the French Quarter for 2,500 residents. Around 150 businesses with around 700 jobs have been established. Leisure, shopping and service facilities are planned in the quarter itself or are partly available in the immediate vicinity of the quarter. This is a conversion area with former barracks of the French Army; conversion of the massive barracks buildings, which are worth preserving, to multi-storey housing or redensification on vacant, cleared areas. Completion: 2012
73760 Ostfildern: Former barracks site. The settlement is designed for 8,000 inhabitants and 2,000 jobs, on 140 hectares. The connecting link and landmark is the "landscape staircase", which is a good kilometre long and 30 metres wide and slopes gently down to the south. The development of energy-efficient buildings and the use of regenerative energies was financially supported with funds from the EU research project POLYCITY (funding period 2005-2010). The complete investment volume of the project with a floor area of 480,700 m² amounts to 1.5 billion euros. German Urban Development Award 2006.
74172 Neckarsulm- Amorbach: 45 units as single, double and multi-family houses, date of occupancy: 1999
D - 74594 Kreßberg: "Schloss Tempelhof" is a grassroots community that has existed in northern Baden-Württemberg since 2010. Almost 150 residents live on the 30-hectare village site. The ecovillage community is set to grow to 300 residents. The community practises solidarity agriculture based on permaculture principles. There are jobs in a market garden, animal husbandry, cheese dairy, beekeeping, bakery and in the kitchen. Others have been created in the seminar centre, the building sector, the administration and the Free Montessori School.