Foresters, forest landowners and nature lovers are in deep concern about what has been happening in our forests since the beginning of 2018: Dramatic tree mortality has occurred due to initial snow breakage and winter storms, followed by drought and bark beetle infestations. And there is no end in sight! The forest has been in extreme [...] for almost two years.
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
03.07.2019 In its meeting on 3 July 2019, the Magistrate decided to introduce the principles for "socially appropriate land use in Darmstadt" (SoBoDA) and to establish a responsible project group. The set of rules is one element of the 21 points of the bundle of measures of the Housing Policy Concept of the City of Science Darmstadt, which is a new overarching political steering instrument [...]
By a large majority, the city council has instructed the administration to increase the use of wooden building materials in new municipal buildings such as schools and day-care centres. Complete wooden buildings are to be erected wherever possible.
Baden-Württemberg's Environment and Energy Minister Franz Untersteller has concluded the state's support programme for PV storage systems and described it as a success.
The tenant electricity campaign financed by the Hessian Ministry of Economics is entering its second round until 2020. Info:
Germany's decision in favour of emissions trading for transport and buildings would be a special path - all other EU states with CO2 pricing in addition to European certificate trading rely on tax solution Berlin (12 July 2019). More and more states in Europe and around the world are introducing CO2 prices. Germany, however, would be taking a special path if it were to introduce an additional [...]
On 4 July 2019, the Bonn City Council declared a climate emergency for Bonn. In doing so, Bonn joins other municipalities in affirming that climate protection must have the highest priority in municipal action. At the same time, the declaration of the climate emergency sends a strong signal to national and international legislation.
The ecological model settlement in Prinz Eugen Park in Munich, currently the largest contiguous timber construction settlement in Europe, was presented. The Holzbaunetzwerk München organized a guided tour through the ecological model settlement in Prinz Eugen Park in Munich on 24.05.2019. In 2009, on the initiative of the Green Party, the City Council of the City of Munich decided to build an ecological model settlement with 600 apartments in timber construction in the new district on the site of the former Prinz Eugen barracks in Bogenhausen. Based on the urban design by GSP Architects with Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects, eight developers, the municipal housing associations GEWOFAG and GWG München, building communities and building cooperatives have developed timber construction projects ranging from atrium houses to seven-storey residential buildings. Today, all projects are under construction and some will be completed this year.
Annual press conference of the central association of the housing industry in Berlin 17 June 2019 Annual balance sheet of the housing industry shows great commitment of companies to more affordable housing Housing industry sends alarm signal - conditions for affordable housing still too poor
German cities believe that greater cohesion in society is necessary and want to make their contribution to this. The President of the German Association of Cities, Mayor Markus Lewe from Münster, said at the start of the annual general meeting of the leading municipal association in Dortmund: "Sticking together in our cities - that is reality, demand and hope at the same time. [...]
"Düsseldorfer Erklärung zum Städtebaurecht" (Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Planning Law) 50 city planning councillors, department heads and heads of planning offices from over 40 German cities, including Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Cologne, Bochum, Freiburg, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main, have signed the "Düsseldorfer Erklärung zum Städtebaurecht" (Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Planning Law). They are calling for a fundamental amendment of the Building Use Ordinance (BauNVO) and the administrative regulation TA-Lärm, so that in future beautiful and [...]
Many detached houses and apartment buildings, as well as commercial buildings, are suitable for the installation of a fuel cell heating system. It generates electricity and heat at the same time. The installation of such micro-CHP systems is also promoted by the federal government. Dr. Karsten McGovern, head of the LandesEnergieAgentur (LEA), says: "For many years, Hesse has been supporting fuel cell heating as a building block for the [...]
Available until 08.04.2024. ARD-alpha A district without cars, in a big German city? In Cologne-Nippes about 1300 people live in a car-free quarter. The residents of the French Quarter in Tübingen have been gathering experience in a neighbourhood without cars for about 20 years. Does the concept work?
Schleiden-Gemünd / Nettersheim, 05.04.2019. Experiencing the starry sky at night with twinkling celestial bodies is a special experience for many people that is now only possible in a few places in Germany - one of these places is the Eifel National Park. Since 2010, a regional initiative has been successfully campaigning for the protection of the night sky and the preservation of the natural night landscape - in 2014, this was followed by the provisional designation as the first "International Dark Sky Park" in Germany. Now this initiative can look forward to the final recognition as International Star Park Eifel National Park. The designation as a protected area of the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) is a predicate with which few regions worldwide can advertise themselves, in Germany there are only four. For the Eifel National Park, which turned 15 this year, this recognition is a nice "birthday present".
In the 40th year of its existence, the ADFC has launched a nationwide action and awareness campaign under the motto #MMorePlaceForBicycles. The aim is to create a spirit of optimism in politics and society for more and better cycling. Concrete demands are: Wide and good cycle lanes, safe crossings and many more bicycle parking spaces everywhere in Germany. Numerous [...]
The expansion of solar power plants in Lower Saxony continues to rise strongly. In 2018, an increase of more than 72 percent was recorded compared to 2017. While the addition of 120 MW in 2017, around 208 megawatts of capacity were newly installed in 2018. This means that Lower Saxony currently has just under 4,000 [...]
Retail with sales plus of 22.3 % The boom in the bicycle trade, which has been continuing for years, also continued in 2018. As further reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the occasion of World Health Day on 7 April, the retail trade in bicycles, parts and accessories recorded an increase in turnover of 11.9 % in real terms in 2018 compared [...]
More greened flat roofs and preferably insect-friendly planted open spaces in new construction areas - these are the key points of a local law that the building and environment deputation is dealing with today. For new buildings with flat roofs starting from 100 square meters the greening becomes thus the obligation. Exceptions remain row houses and hall roofs, where the greening is unreasonable [...]
On 21 March 2019, the members of the Berlin state parliament unanimously voted in favour of promoting urban timber construction. Following Baden-Württemberg, the state of Berlin has now also decided to focus on wooden buildings in the future with the motion "Sustainability in construction: Berlin builds with wood". Within the framework of the Berlin Energy [...]
Augsburg, 22.02.19: Together with partner company EXYTRON, Stadtwerke Augsburg (swa) has installed and commissioned the world's first decentralised power-to-gas plant in an existing residential complex. This enables a challenge of the energy transition to be mastered: surplus, regeneratively generated electricity is converted into synthetic natural gas and can thus be stored on site. Combustion then takes place in a commercially available combined heat and power plant and condensing boilers. In this way, over 180 residents in 70 apartments in the residential complex of the Augsburg housing group, which has existed since 1974, are supplied with climate-friendly electricity and heat.
Since 2002, the area of forest in Germany has increased by around 50,000 hectares. On the occasion of the International Forest Day on 21 March 2019, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, went to see the situation for herself.
Purple, green, blue and yellow - inside the innovative battery storage systems that have now been installed in the municipal utility's climate district, things will be colourful in future. The electrolyte, which can store up to ten kilowatt hours of self-produced solar power, changes color depending on the state of charge.
For its fight against light pollution, the city of Fulda in eastern Hesse has been honored as Germany's first dark sky municipality by the International Dark Sky Association in the USA. Fulda Mayor Heiko Wingenfeld (CDU) said: "A large part of light pollution is avoidable, and we want to set an example for other municipalities with intelligent solutions." […]
According to the annual balance sheet of the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) presented today, the German market for solar thermal systems has shrunk further by 8 percent to 573,500 square meters of collector area.
Video report SWR Fernsehen RP (4:08 min.) from 24 January 2019: "Residential biotope must be renovated - future of student hall of residence uncertain" SWR film link:,av-o1089451-100.html Information about the ESA:
Bonn/Berlin (26 Jan. 2019). With the decision of the Coal Commission, the course has been set for the phase-out of coal by 2035, or 2038 at the latest. Environmental and development organisations welcome this course setting, but regret that this phase-out path is not yet ambitious enough to achieve the Paris climate targets. According to the compromise, 2023 will be the first [...]
Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - The Frankfurt "Bündnis Mietentscheid" submitted about 25,000 signatures to the electoral office on Tuesday. The participants want to achieve a referendum on the preservation and expansion of subsidized housing, as spokespersons for the alliance said before the handover.
WIESBADEN - At the start of the heating season, private households had to pay around 40 % higher prices to fill up their heating oil tanks in October 2018 than a year earlier. As the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) further reports, consumer prices for light heating oil have risen since March, following sharp price declines in 2014 and 2015 [...]
In 2018, Deutsche Bahn fed 57 percent green electricity into the grid. This is an increase of 13 percent in electricity from renewable energies compared to the previous year.
The nationwide Forest and Wood Competence and Information Centre started its work on 1 January 2019. At the beginning of the year, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) gave the go-ahead for the Competence and Information Centre for Forests and Wood (KIWUH) under the umbrella of the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.). (FNR). "With the [...]
2:33 min 12/17/2018 |
High costs due to failure to protect the environment - Federal Environment Agency presents updated cost rates Too many greenhouse gases, air pollutants and other environmental burdens damage our health, destroy ecosystems and cause animals and plants to die out. In addition, they lead to economic losses due to, for example, production downtimes, crop losses or damage to buildings and infrastructure.
Yesterday, the Agency for Renewable Energies awarded the Rhine-Hunsrück district as Energy Municipality of the Decade / Environment and Energy Minister Ulrike Höfken congratulates warmly on this award. Yesterday, the Agency for Renewable Energies awarded the Rhine-Hunsrück district in Kassel as "Energy Municipality of the Decade". "Climate change is clearly noticeable in Rhineland-Palatinate, as currently [...]