Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

CO2-neutral industrial estate in Radolfzell

D - 78315 Radolfzell on Lake Constance: Constance University of Applied Sciences designed an urban building model with examples of buildings such as offices, production facilities and warehouses. This was used to calculate the life cycle costs and emissions resulting from the energy supply. The energy supply for heating, cooling, air, light and electricity was optimised and energy requirements minimised. Companies can also utilise the knowledge gained from this for their new buildings. A hydrogen storage system was modelled as an optional scenario in the study.

Completion: Property marketing by the city of Radolfzell. The deadline for applications was 31.01.2022

Size: 7.2 hectares of land, total: approx. 4.2 hectares of commercial space
Minimum plot size: 1,000 m² Maximum plot size: 20,000 m².

Urban design: The deviating construction method a applies. This corresponds to the open construction method with boundary distances, but allows buildings over 50 metres in length.

Property price (as at 11/2023): The gross price per square metre for an undeveloped, developed commercial property in BLURADO is 120 euros. This includes the net purchase price, the development contribution, wastewater contribution and cost reimbursement contribution. In addition, there are pro rata surveying costs, 18.694 euros per square metre of plot area for the connection to the heating and cooling supply, as well as ancillary purchase costs. 

Energy concept: The absence of fossil fuels in the BLURADO is made possible by a cold local heating network. This means that there are no energy losses in the pipework system. By awarding a concession contract to an energy supplier, the town of Radolfzell has ensured that 100 % of the heating and cooling supply comes from renewable energies (agrothermal energy). Consumers in the BLURADO business park still have the option of using electricity generated in the business park from photovoltaic systems. In all other respects, however, they are free to choose their electricity supplier, meaning that the city of Radolfzell cannot commit to 100 % renewable energies for legal reasons.

Building materials: No specifications in the direction of timber construction.

Free space: Roof surfaces, unless they are used for solar energy utilisation, must be at least extensively greened.

Development: Road expansion, green strip to be continued as public longitudinal parking space with tree quarters, continuation of the footpath from the neighbouring industrial estate north, a public car park to be established in the middle of the new industrial estate, cycle path, new roundabout, new exit point for the city bus.

Enforcement strategy/tools: The development must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the BLURADO development plan. There is an obligation to build within two years of acquiring the plot, as well as an obligation to connect to the cold local heating network, which is operated by GETEC.


Last updated: 17 November 2023

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All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Lake Constance Region; Country: Germany; Characteristics: Building plot; typology: Industrial estate; Thematic: Green roofs, Energy and climate protection, Photovoltaics, Commercial/office building, PlusEnergyHouse
