D - 78315 Radolfzell on Lake Constance: Constance University of Applied Sciences designed an urban building model with examples of buildings such as offices, production facilities and warehouses. This was used to calculate the life cycle costs and emissions resulting from the energy supply. The energy supply for heating, cooling, air, light and electricity was optimised and energy requirements minimised. Companies can also utilise the knowledge gained from this for their new buildings. A hydrogen storage system was modelled as an optional scenario in the study.
Thema: Green roofs
D - 30539 Hanover Kronsberg: adjacent to the Expo-Settlement Hanover-Kronsberg soll das "ecovillage Kronsberg" entstehen. Träger ist die Genossenschaft ecovillage hannover eG, die 2019 gegründet wurde. Die Genossenschaft hat das 49.300 m² große Grundstück 2021 von der Stadt Hannover gekauft. Ab 5/2024 befindet sich die Genossenschaft in einem Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung. Fertigstellung: ?
D - 20457 Hamburg Baakenhafen: das achtgeschossige Stadthaus in der Hamburger Hafencity wird mit 52 Wohnungen als ökologisch-sozialer Gesamtorganismus für ca. 180 Bewohner realisiert. Die konsequente ökologische Ausrichtung des Gebäudekonzepts sorgt für einen niedrigen ökologischen Fußabdruck über den gesamten Lebenszyklus: Massivholzbauweise (Brettstapel), Solarstromanlagen an Fassade und auf dem Dach, Wasser- und Biomassekreislaufsysteme mit Grauwasserrecycling und Terra-Preta-Produktion, intensive Fassadenbegrünung und das Gewächshaus zum Gemüseanbau auf dem Dach. Der Entwurf wurde im we-house Realisierungswettbewerb Baakenhafen mit dem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet. Fertigstellung: 2025/2026
AT - 1030 Vienna: it is the first house built according to the ideas and designs of the painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The house contains 50 apartments, four business premises and a doctor's practice. About 250 trees and bushes were planted on the 16 private and three communal roof terraces and on the roofs. Completion: 1986
D - 13405 Berlin-Tegel: A climate-neutral urban quarter in timber construction with more than 5,000 apartments is to be built. This will make it the largest timber construction quarter in the world. In addition to the apartments, several schools, daycare centers, sports facilities, shopping opportunities and lots of greenery are also planned for the development area with 46 ha geplant. Eine starke Durchgrünung sorgt für eine klimaangepasste und wassersensible Stadtentwicklung und wirkt auch über das Quartier hinaus. Start Hochbau: voraussichtlich 2026. Geplante Fertigstellung: Mitte der 2030er Jahre
Newly built districts with space-efficient mobility offers
NL - 3526 KM Utrecht: On the west side of the Merwedekanal, a new sustainable urban district is being built in a central location not far from Utrecht's main railway station. The plan is to create a mixed-use district with 6,000 flats for approximately 12,000 residents. The area is to become a showcase for healthy and sustainable living with innovative concepts for recycling, energy production, climate adaptation and mobility solutions. Planned completion: by 2024DK - Copenhagen-Örestad South: 475 units as large-format buildings around two courtyards forming an 8. Mix of uses: apartments, terraced houses and commercial use (offices, shops and a café on 10,000 m²) with a total of 62,000 m² of usable space. A special feature is a public access path, whereby one can climb up to the roof. As a result, one does not even have to leave the building ensemble to go jogging. Architect's office: BIG. Completion: 2012
NL - Culemborg: With 240 houses, it is the largest permaculture settlement in Europe and worldwide. It was built with the aim of living there in the most environmentally friendly and self-managed way possible. The founder Marleen Kaptein was convinced from the beginning that people should have the opportunity to shape their environment and take responsibility. Completion: 2009
06844 Dessau-Roßlau: New building of the Federal Environmental Agency. Planning: sauerbruch & hutton architects. Dessau has been the headquarters of the Federal Environment Agency since 2005. Around 900 of the approximately 1,500 employees work here in a modern office building constructed according to ecological standards. Awarded the German Seal of Approval for Sustainable Building in Gold in 2009. The seal of quality awarded by the Federal Ministry of Building and the German Sustainable Building Council honors exemplary new administrative and office buildings.
D - 14055 Berlin-Charlottenburg: 665 units as a new housing estate with two-, three- and four-room flats. Also detached houses, shops, doctors' surgeries and a day care centre. Mix of rented and owner-occupied flats.
The contract was signed on 14 March 2018 after 5 years of negotiations. The company expects construction to start at the end of 2019 and the final construction phase could be completed in 2025.
Low-energy house standard, CHP, photovoltaic system, sustainable mobility concept with bicycle parking spaces outside the front doors and e-bikes, electric cars in the car-sharing fleet. Neighbourhood with Cradle to Cradle certification and healthy building materials, green roof.
21035 Hamburg-Allermöhe: 36 completed units in semi-detached and terraced houses, one of the older ecological housing estates in Germany; largely built from 1985-96, the last house was built in 2003. Compost toilets, reed sewage treatment plant, biological building materials. "Interessengemeinschaft Ökologisches Bauen Allermöhe", planning/construction management: J. Lupp architect; Vollbracht und Bäumer architects; T. Keidel, M. Uhlenhaut, Hamburg; Cordes, Rotenburg/ Wümme. Awards Timber Construction Prize Northern Germany 1988.
22844 Norderstedt: 36 terraced houses in low-energy construction, all roofs are completely greened, combined heat and power plant. Completion: ~2002
23500 Lübeck-Moisling: New construction of 75 flats as semi-detached houses (30x) and detached houses (5x) in timber construction. A special feature was a high proportion of own labour, which was credited instead of equity. Some of the houses were built as so-called "butterfly houses". The construction costs were less than 1000 euros per square metre of living space. Completion: 1999
30629 Hanover-Miesburg: "Regenbogensiedlung", 111 council flats, GFZ 0.88. 9,000 m² living space. Occupancy 1996. 900 euros/m². Architect: Schmitz, Aachen, property developer Gundlach, Philipp Holzmann AG - CHP, low-energy construction, extensive green roof - pergola development
D - 38489 Beetzendorf-Poppau: Here a new village for 300 inhabitants has been built since 1997. With currently 150 residents (approx. 60 units), a new self-sufficient village has been built since 1997, which enables people to live a sustainable lifestyle. There are 8 residential buildings plus the Regiohaus/Seminarzentrum, built in low-energy to passive house standards, in Sieben Linden (as of 10/2016). A straw-built guest house with 15 guest rooms is to be built in 2017/18.
48143 Münster: Car-free NRW model housing estate "Gartenhofsiedlung Weißenburg", Europe-wide competition, car-reduced mobility concept with 0.2 car parking spaces per flat, 189 flats on 3.8 hectares of land. Completion: 2003 Completion of 2nd construction phase (4 buildings with 51 flats): 2019
50827 Cologne-Blumenberg: Architect: Reimund Stewen, with passive solar use, natural building techniques (timber frame construction with 20% clay and 80% electricity infill), economical use of land, social diversity and cost savings through communal building, use of ecological building services, waste collection, recycling, installation of private gardens. Completion: 1989
58638 Iserlohn: Street: Oestricher Str. 39 to 57, organisation and structuring of the project: Verein Wohnhof Iserlohn e.V., architecture: Energie- und umweltgerechtes Bauen, Leo Schwering. Approx. 55 people in 17 flats and 2 offices as terraced, semi-detached and detached houses, grass roof, timber frame construction, development without parking spaces (central parking spaces in front), innovative financing concept, legal form "association". 3rd prize in the 2000 Märkischer Kreis timber construction prize.
59075 Hamm: The realisation competition for "Das Gesunde Haus" in the city of Hamm was won by a North Rhine-Westphalian-Danish architectural consortium. The city of Hamm provided an approx. 9,500 m2 plot of land on Hohenhöveler Straße in Bockum-Hövel for the realisation of the winning design.