The carbon footprint calculator developed by the ifeu Institute in Heidelberg can be used to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of food. The website also provides tips and advice on how to become a "climatarian", i.e. how to adopt a climate-friendly diet. The CO2 foodprint is calculated. This is the proportion of one's CO2 emissions that are caused by food. Link
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
but only by 2030 The Federal Cabinet today approved a draft for the Climate Protection Act and now mentions, among other things, a new expansion target for photovoltaics in the Climate Protection Programme 2030. The law now enters the parliamentary consultations.
The state of Rhineland-Palatinate is launching a solar offensive with a 5-million-euro funding programme for private and municipal solar storage systems. Energy Minister Ulrike Höfken, together with the Rhineland-Palatinate Energy Agency, today gave the official starting signal for the solar offensive, which is to take effect at various levels. In doing so, the minister presented the solar storage programme as a central building block of the offensive [...]
The Climate Protection Programme 2030 presented by the Climate Cabinet on 20 September 2019 also includes new rules for the supply of heat to buildings. One measure is the replacement premium for old oil and gas heating systems. With this, the state wants to take over up to 40 % of the costs, according to the reading of the information program Zukunft Altbau promoted by the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg, [...]
Since January, Berlin has had what it claims to be the toughest administrative regulations for procurement and the environment in the country. Thomas Schwilling from the responsible department has accompanied the development and knows about its effect - and the hurdles. An interview:
The Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of the Environment has announced a subsidy program for electricity storage for photovoltaic roof systems. Private individuals, companies and tenant electricity models will be reimbursed 30 percent of the expenses.
According to a new study by EU scientists, one percent of the EU's surface area is enough to cover the community's entire electricity needs with solar power.
Eight hectares of modules built on Berlin's roofs, almost half of them on residential buildings Berlin's municipal utilities are clearly picking up the pace in the expansion of solar installations in the capital. The municipal green electricity producer exceeded the 10 megawatt threshold at the end of September.
The Rosenstein urban planning competition recently ended with the decision on the winning design. First place went to the Stuttgart-based asp Architekten/Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur consortium. Detlef Kron, head of the Office for Urban Planning and Housing, opened the exhibition on the Rosenstein competition on Friday, September 27, at 5 p.m. in the church of St. [...]
From the meeting of the Berlin Senate on 24 September 2019: At its meeting today, the Senate adopted the report to the House of Representatives on "Sustainability in construction: Berlin builds with wood", following a presentation by the Senator for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Regine Günther. The Senate is consistently pursuing the goal of making Berlin [...]
Nationwide, construction with wood for buildings up to the high-rise limit is to be made easier and the Model Building Code (MBO) adapted accordingly. This was adopted by the Construction Ministers' Conference (BMK) at the end of the two-day conference in Norderstedt. In addition to climate-friendly construction with a focus on wood, the topic of "affordable housing" was also on the agenda.
Anne Katrin Bohle has been State Secretary for Construction at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Housing since March 2019. The "Leipzig Charter" is to be further developed into the "Leipzig Charter 2.0" by the time of the German EU Council Presidency in 2020. The "Leipzig Charter", which is little known even among experts, invokes the values of "citizens' co-determination and self-determination, calls for the [...]
Even before the UN Summit on Sustainable Development, it is clear that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is making slow progress. The global community now needs action instead of words to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The international report on the status of SDG implementation shows that there are major gaps in implementation worldwide. The number of people suffering from hunger is increasing again worldwide [...]
The Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. - FNR) supports potential applicants in applying for funding with a guideline for submitting outlines and applications for projects in the field of the Forest Climate Fund. (FNR) supports potentially interested parties in applying for funding. The guide is available in print and for download. The 58-page brochure in A5 format provides condensed information on the funding procedure and explains [...]
BUND and the ifeu - Institute for Energy and Environmental Research have produced various studies on building issues over the last 10 years, including "13 measures against energy waste in the boiler room". This study now deals with the core issue of cost allocation for energy modernisation in rented buildings. Already in the year [...]
On Thursday, 19 September 2019, the Federal City of Bonn was awarded the label "StadtGrün naturnah". With this award, the alliance "Municipalities for Biodiversity" honors exemplary commitment on urban green spaces to promote biodiversity. Bonn was able to score points in the labeling process with species-rich wildflower meadows, sustainable forest management and innovative environmental education offers and now belongs to [...]
Prof Maja Göpel is a member of the Federal Government's Scientific Advisory Council and a member of Scientists for Future. She criticises the fact that Germany's climate targets cannot be achieved with the GroKo's climate package. Interview with Volker Quaschning: "Expectations massively undercut"
Closing the implementation and ambition gap Ahead of the crucial meeting on 20.9.2019, the SRU addresses the members of the Climate Cabinet with an Open Letter. The SRU stresses that the measures to be adopted must be suitable for achieving the 2030 climate target. Especially in the transport and building sector there is an enormous need for action. The Council [...]
On Saturday, 14 September, the RENN.west campaign "Goals need action" was launched in Dortmund. It informs about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and mobilizes people for their implementation. Prominent supporters are the BVB, the multiple boxing world champion Wladimir Klitschko and the top model Elena Carrière.
In the 2019 state competition, the focus is on existing buildings and inward growth: How are existing spaces optimally used in times of scarce building land? How can innovative living spaces be created by converting existing uses? The 2019 state competition is looking for exemplary examples - in the city and in the countryside - that take advantage of all the possibilities [...]
The Kiel City Council will probably vote on the establishment of a municipal housing company on 19 September 2019. Initially, 1,000 apartments are to be built; in the long term, 4,000 new apartments are to be created.
Like the heat register, the solar register is part of the Energy Atlas.NRW, which provides comprehensive information on renewable energies in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to the current stock, potential for the further expansion of renewable energies is also presented.
3:16 min may 2019 Aerial footage from a drone shows the status of implementation in May 2019. The Platensiedlung in Ginnheim (Frankfurt am Main) will be raised with 2 floors without additional land sealing and the existing buildings will be renovated for energy efficiency.
The ADFC cycling club is a supporter of the Fridays For Future movement's global climate strike and is calling on all cycling sympathisers, members, supporters and regional groups to take part in the strike from 20 September.
According to the ADFC, the climate goals can only be achieved with a traffic turnaround in favor of car alternatives and a tripling of cycling. Groups of ADFC and Fridays For Future are planning joint actions in numerous cities.
Rebecca Peter's, ADFC deputy federal chairwoman, said: „The transport sector has so far not contributed at all to achieving the climate and sustainability goals. On the contrary, our cities are becoming more and more crowded, stressful, dangerous and dirty. However, climate-friendly mobility does not mean joining forces now to put 47 million e-cars on the roads and continuing to provide every conceivable incentive for people to travel even absurdly short distances by car. We need highly attractive offers for cycling and walking in combination with a top-developed public transport system - and much less car traffic to secure the quality of life in cities and the countryside!"
30.08.2019 The city of Bonn has received the Blue Sky Award for its commitment to sustainable development, environmental and climate protection, also at international level. Mayor Reinhard Limbach accepted the award on Thursday, 29 August 2019, in the Chinese special economic zone Shenzhen.
Since September 2018, balcony PV modules may generally be connected in every apartment. Berlin has now greatly simplified the registration process. Berliners can thus become their own energy supplier with little effort and save cash.
From September, UrStrom eG will offer its e-carsharing users a customer-friendly cooperative booking app. The goal is a common e-carsharing platform for energy cooperatives throughout Europe. Mainz, 23.08.2019 Select, book and open electric cars with your smartphone. These are the functions of the cooperative booking app "e-Carsharing in Bürgerhand", which is being developed with the UrStrom BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft in Mainz [...]
Following a number of pilot projects, Dresden-based photovoltaic film manufacturer Heliatek is now officially starting series production of organic solar films. Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer travelled here especially to press the symbolic red button together with Heliatek's CEO Guido van Tartwijk: "With the opening of the production facility, Heliatek has made the change [...]
With funding from the federal funding programme "Unternehmen Revier", the Faktor X agency of the development company has developed an internet-based tool for easily calculating the resource efficiency of your own construction project. The tool has now undergone final testing and will be available online from September.
There is money in Rhineland-Palatinate: After Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate will also launch its own funding program for electricity storage this year. "The funding program is being worked out at the moment," announced State Secretary Griese (the Greens). The Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament had already approved the funding last December. In 2019 and 2020, 1.5 million each [...]
The alliance aims to promote the development of a hydrogen economy with "green" hydrogen produced from renewable energies.
Osnabrück is the winner of the competition for the German Sustainability Award 2020 for large cities. The award has been presented by the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. since 2012. The funding amount is 30,000 euros for sustainable urban development projects.
In the Bavarian 10,000 Houses Program, there is now also money for electricity storage units if the user installs them together with a PV system. Until the end of 2020, 24 million euros are available for the entire program.
In 20 real laboratories across Germany, companies will be testing new hydrogen technologies on an industrial scale and in a real environment. Today, Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Peter Altmaier announced the winners of the "Energy Transition Real Labs Ideas Competition". With the Energy Transition Real Labs, sustainable energy technologies are tested under real conditions and on an industrial scale. The central theme [...]