A broad alliance of chambers, the housing industry, trade unions, environmental and nature conservation organisations as well as consumer and social associations came together in June 2016 to form the "NRW Building Alliance for Climate Protection". The aim of the alliance is to promote climate protection in the areas of housing and construction and to introduce jointly developed priorities into the political arena.
Energy-efficient refurbishment is an important and indispensable contribution to achieving climate protection targets. In addition to energy-efficient refurbishment as a central element in achieving the climate protection targets in NRW, energy-efficient new residential construction and the decentralised generation of renewable energy in residential and urban districts are also of great importance." (p.1 Joint declaration of the NRW Building Alliance for Climate Protection - 7 July 2016)
"Almost every building is part of a neighbourhood, a settlement or a city district, in whose context of residential environment and infrastructure it is embedded. Refurbishment concepts should therefore not only be considered on a building-by-building basis, but should also take into account the social, socio-cultural development and natural compatibility of the surrounding neighbourhood, its supply structure and residents." (p.3 ibid.)
Members of the NRW Building Alliance for Climate Protection:

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Stakeholders, Stock, Renewable, Climate protection, News Blog NRW, PlusEnergy house/settlement