Charakteristik: Terraced house
79100 Freiburg-Vauban: extended citizen participation through the Forum Vauban, car-free living, public transport, car sharing, mixed use, solar garage, local heating with CHP units, nature-oriented open space design, building biology and ecological materials. 40% of households live without their own car. The number of parking spaces for the entire quarter is 0.42 PkW/WE. Large-scale completion: 2012
79100 Freiburg-Vauban59 UNITS. Architecture: Rolf Disch; plus energy houses with 81 to 210 m2 and variable floor plan design; cost savings during construction due to pre-assembly of building services systems and wooden elements; south-facing orientation; main façade glazing total k-value o.5; CHP for energy supply; Expo 2000 project. Completion: 2006
82223 Eichenau: 96 flats, "Wohnmodelle Bayern", low-energy standard, shared heating centre, roof drainage via a drainage system. Completion: 2003
85276 Pfaffenhofen: On over 91,000 m2 approx. 250 residential units and commercial areas are being built. Condominiums, semi-detached and terraced houses, as well as single-family houses were built. Slightly more than 50 residential units and the daycare center were built in timber construction. There was also the possibility of acquiring plots of land and building on them yourself. Completion: 2017
88212 Ravensburg: Building biology terraced housing estate, 29 units, completion: 1993, architecture: Joachim Eble, client: Siedlungswerk Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Wohnungs- und Städtebau, Stuttgart. Solar-assisted local heating supply and first collective collector system (115 m² as a pilot project in Baden-Württemberg) generate 50 % of hot water with 5 m³ short-term heat storage. Price reduction of 50% compared to individual systems on each house.
89518 Heidenheim: 63 units of intergenerational living in the city with high ecological standards. The first residents moved in in 2004. By the end of 2009, just over 100 people from babies to the elderly were already living in the project. The group of houses is located on the outskirts of Heidenheim, rich in forests and meadows, in the direct vicinity of a Demeter farm.
76228 Karlsruhe-Hohenwettersbach: "50 Morgen": 150 WE. Verschiedene Architekten und Bauträger u.a. P.I.A., Gisa und Ingo Bohning, LEG Baden-Württemberg. Energieversorgung erfolgt über ein Nahwärmenetz, das von einem Block-Heiz-Kraft-Werk (BHKW) Strom und Wärme bezieht. Das BHKW verbrennt Biogas, das aus einem Teil der Karlsruher Bioabfälle gewonnen wird. Teilweise wurden die Gebäude in Passivhaus- Bauweise realisiert und ökologische Materialien verwendet. Fertigstellung: 2004