D – 13405 Berlin: In direkter Nachbarschaft zum durch die Fachpresse bekannten „Schumacher Quartier“ ensteht auf einer Fläche von 202 ha ein Innovationspark für urbane Technologien: Berlin TXL – The Urban Tech Republic. Die grünen Zukunftstechnologien, die in der Urban Tech Republic entwickelt und produziert werden, sollen u.a. auch direkt bei der Entwicklung des neuen Schumacher Holzbau-Quartiers zur Anwendung kommen. Neben den geplanten 5000 Wohnungen für mehr als 10.000 Menschen sollen auch alle weiteren Einrichtungen wie Schulen, Kitas, Sportanlagen, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten so weit es geht in Holzbauweise entstehen. Insgesamt umfasst das Gesamtgebiet Berlin TXL (Wohnquartiere, Innovationspark und großzügiger Grünflächen) eine Fläche von 500 ha.
Stadtregion: Berlin and surrounding area
12524 Berlin: Bruno Taut's "Tuschkastensiedlung". 128 flats in 48 storey flats in six apartment blocks and 80 detached houses in rows or as semi-detached houses with 1 to 5 rooms; gross floor area: 14,051 m². Renovation / refurbishment / extension: 1992 to 2002; extension since 2001 and new construction of apartment blocks and terraced houses since 2011. Construction: 1913 to 1916
D - 13127 Berlin-Pankow: On a 23,000 sqm plot in Pankow-Französisch Buchholz, a housing estate with 84 residential units with a total living space of approx. 12,000 sqm plus a community house will be built. Predominantly renewable and healthy building materials such as wood and cellulose with positive CO2-balance sheet. In the centre of the settlement there is an orchard with a community house. The heat and electricity generation in the settlement is fossil-free. Start of construction/completion (planned): 2022/2024
12359 Berlin-Britz: The Hufeisensiedlung is part of the large housing estate Britz with a total of 1963 apartments for about 5000 residents was built as one of the first social housing estates in Berlin. The architecture of the strongly green settlement proved to be trend-setting. The architects involved in the planning were Bruno Taut, the city building councilor Martin Wagner and the garden architect Leberecht Migge. As a complete ensemble, the estate has been a listed building since 1986. Since 2008 it has been a Unesco World Heritage Site and since 2010 it has also been registered as a garden monument. Completion: 1933
D - 13405 Berlin-Tegel: A climate-neutral urban quarter in timber construction with more than 5,000 apartments is to be built. This will make it the largest timber construction quarter in the world. In addition to the apartments, several schools, daycare centers, sports facilities, shopping opportunities and lots of greenery are also planned for the development area with 46 ha geplant. Eine starke Durchgrünung sorgt für eine klimaangepasste und wassersensible Stadtentwicklung und wirkt auch über das Quartier hinaus. Start Hochbau: voraussichtlich 2026. Geplante Fertigstellung: Mitte der 2030er Jahre
12619 Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf: Mietersonne Kaulsdorf, Germany's largest tenant power project with almost 3.4 megawatts (MW) of capacity, is being built by Berliner Stadtwerke for the Berlin housing association berlinovo in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Tenants of 4,300 apartments will be able to benefit from the green electricity generated directly on their roofs.
D - 15806 Wünsdorf:
Konzept einer ökologischen Modell- und Zukunftsstadt für das 21. Jahrhundert. Seit 2017 entwickelt ein Team von Pionieren des ökologischen Städtebaus um Prof. Dr. Ekhart Hahn eine neu zu errichtende Campus-Eco-City am Standort Wünsdorf bei Zossen (ca. 40 km von Berlin). Die ehemalige "verbotene" Stadt Wünsdorf mit einer Fläche von insgesamt 600 ha bietet ideale Bedingungen für die Realisierung dieser Vision, die auf ca. 100 ha realisiert werden soll. Fertigstellung: ~2030
12487 Berlin: HOWOGE is building 314 apartments, a large daycare facility for children and a neighbourhood garage on a 2.6-hectare site on Straße am Flugplatz. 156 apartments will be rented out as subsidized housing in accordance with the cooperation agreement with the state of Berlin; the remaining units will cost less than 10 euros per square meter on average. After completion, 50 percent of the apartments will be subject to occupancy restrictions, costing 6.50 euros per square meter cold, and will be sold to prospective tenants with a certificate of entitlement to housing. Planned completion (as of 12/2020): Spring 2021
12627 Berlin: (not realized). 33 architectural firms from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, among others, presented the design of WerkBundStadt Berlin. The plan was to build 1,100 new apartments in 38 buildings on 2.8 hectares of land. A critique of it in the deutsche bauzeitung (db) recalls the historical heritage in which the project stands: "It is laudable that the Deutscher Werkbund is speaking out with a contribution. After all, it is precisely the Werkbund housing estates from Stuttgart to Breslau, Prague, Vienna and Zurich that stand for the experimental living worlds of modernism.
D - 14055 Berlin-Charlottenburg: 665 units as a new housing estate with two-, three- and four-room flats. Also detached houses, shops, doctors' surgeries and a day care centre. Mix of rented and owner-occupied flats.
The contract was signed on 14 March 2018 after 5 years of negotiations. The company expects construction to start at the end of 2019 and the final construction phase could be completed in 2025.
Low-energy house standard, CHP, photovoltaic system, sustainable mobility concept with bicycle parking spaces outside the front doors and e-bikes, electric cars in the car-sharing fleet. Neighbourhood with Cradle to Cradle certification and healthy building materials, green roof.
10115 Berlin-Mitte: Gründerinnenzentrum, EnergieSystemTechnik; Construction period: 1994/95, Planning: Architekturbüro Inken Baller, Size: NF existing building - 5,724 sqm, NF new building - 1,329 sqm
10405 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg: Family, education and health centre. Usable area: 3,295 sqm (including basement), living area: 2,350 sqm. 7 WEs, other uses: Student housing, therapy and medical practices, painting studio, office space, family centre, restaurant, two event areas and KiTa. Construction costs: 6.5 million euros, architecture: Kaden Klingbeil Architekten. Client: Foundation for Christian Education, Values and Way of Life. Year of construction: 2013
10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg: "International Building Exhibition", 106 units, completed in 1987 / optimisation and redesign in 2006, grey water recycling plant for 250 tenants, saving 3 million litres of fresh water per year.
10965 Berlin: Cooperative for self-managed, social and ecological living eG. In the Möckernkiez model project, 471 residential units were created in 14 residential buildings. They were built according to the passive house standard and ecological building criteria. 0.21 parking spaces per unit. Property size: 30,000 m². It is barrier-free throughout and designed to be free of car traffic at the neighbourhood level. The Möckernkiez is located directly adjacent to the southeastern entrances of the Park am Gleisdreieck. Completion: 2018
12105 Berlin-Tempelhof: former hippie commune, today internationally recognized cultural center and large employer in the district. 18,566 sqm, self-managed cultural project, exists since 1979.
12249 Berlin-Lankwitz: Apartment buildings. Elevation and redensification. Baufrösche Kassel/Berlin. 148 flats existing, 84 flats with additional storeys and 61 flats with extensions. Reconstruction: 1995 to 1998. socially acceptable redevelopment, approx. 1,420 €/m² floor space; Berlin Environmental Prize 2001.
12351 Berlin-Neukölln: Atrium-Living courts les Palétuviers, 21 WE, Arch. Fritz Matzinger, project address: Ibisweg 19. From originally 600 interested parties, two atrium houses were built for a housing cooperative for 21 people. Construction period: 1990 to 1992
12487 Berlin-Johannisthal: 20 houses with 22 residential units (KfW 40-60) for 70 small and large people, ecological housing project. Number of parking spaces: 0.3 PkWs/WE, 100 m² solar collectors (50 kW), 23 kW photovoltaic system, 99 kW wood pellet system (with exhaust gas heat exchanger, downstream flue gas scrubber and condensate heat exchanger), 600 m³ grey water system, completion: 2007
13156 Berlin-Pankow: Consortium Winfried Brenne Architekten / Joachim Eble Architektur, 226 units, largest roof-integrated solar power system on residential buildings in Europe; research study on the costs of ecological building materials (comparison with Berlin reference house). Reference: 1999